Minggu, 22 Mei 2011

flowers pictures wallpapers

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  • iPhelim
    Oct 27, 11:38 AM
    i was lucky enough to be standing next to a guy with an iPhone, he was making calls on it every 20 seconds so it was hard to miss, its just as shiny as they say it is! there were even q pushers right in front of one of the security guys round the corner outside the halifax there, i had been reading my copy of 'options' until about 5.50 and when i lifted my head up i 2 guys had pushed in a few feet ahead of me! so glad i was able to get a t-shirt. and i CANT TELL YOU HOW GLAD i am that i got leopard yesterday because i buggered up my HD today and if i didnt have time machine to do a full restore i don't know what i would have done!

    a few photos below:

    .....and here: http://img135.imageshack.us/my.php?image=pa260001vv0.jpg
    and here: http://img135.imageshack.us/my.php?image=pa260022ex8.jpg

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  • MacBandit
    Sep 15, 12:16 PM
    Originally posted by scem0

    I dont see how anyone can say this when I can get a 2.8 GHz custom built speed-demon for 1,300 after shopping around, and I cant get **** from apple for 1,300. Well I could get something, but nothing that compares speed-wise to the pentium 4.

    Does this include everything that comes standard on a Mac box?

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  • Steradian
    May 6, 12:33 AM
    There is a great sense of community with us Mac users, something that I love. I LOVE my mac, I use windoze all the time...it just dosen't work for me...I am a curse to PC's...I cause Blue Screen's of Death whereever I roam. When I do my Programing for Comp Sci @ my HS, I have to do a restart at least 4 times a week OY! But do understand that it is running Win95...So I can't blame the comp too much...I take all sorts of crap everyday from my PC using friends, who all bash apple. Reason? none...Yeah...

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  • Gatorman
    Sep 13, 11:20 PM
    Originally posted by big
    the double post is appreciated, that was the first time I have chuckled all day....

    That's a little scary if you ask me. A little Big Brother-ish? Or how about something out of Robert Ludlum's Promethus Deception. Tell me that isn't about Bill Gates.:D

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  • efoto
    Oct 5, 02:30 PM
    Thank you for all your work on the widget, especially the last fix ;)

    Lovely thing that always reminds me of my status and the teams. Thanks again for the efforts, best of skill with work and school. Hopefully we will continue to see you around.

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    Mar 26, 06:25 PM
    Who honestly cares? Lame. I saw a black guy and a mexican guy chatting outside a bookstore yesterday. Let's focus on that.

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  • Squadleader
    Apr 8, 07:17 PM
    Yes. And ...?

    Originally Posted by Xeperu View Post
    "Humans should have the full right to decide over their own bodies, that includes planned parenthood and abortions."

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  • Ugg
    Apr 7, 05:02 PM
    The tea party isn't about fiscal responsibility at all as is evidenced by their "soft" targets and their emphasis on abortion, NPR and other social issues.

    It's sad to see them shut down the US based on that.

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  • WillEH
    Apr 27, 06:46 PM
    no, he doesn't. and thankfully it should mean that he'll have no chance of getting anywhere near being President.

    I didn't know who he was before I googled his name. Thought he was the model for Ken, from the Barbie range. (When he was younger) he looks like plastic.

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  • Groves
    Apr 5, 09:16 AM
    but i digress regress.


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  • studiomusic
    Nov 21, 04:56 PM
    Hey, they're just down the road from me... I might just have to go see what they're up to...;)

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  • palter
    Apr 26, 05:06 PM
    Friday is usually the miscellaneous sessions day, when the less important (or popular I might say) sessions are held. Of course you can leave whenever you want but Friday is still a full day. I would plan on staying the entire day if you can. Leaving Saturday morning is best as you can relax on Friday :)

    Last year, in the original schedule, all sessions on Friday ended before lunch and lunch was the last item on the schedule. During the week, they added a couple of repeat sessions in the first slot after lunch. But, still, all sessions were over by 3PM.

    I don't expect Apple to post the full schedule 'till a couple weeks before the conference. (I agree it would be nice if they posted it sooner.)

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  • Flowbee
    Sep 26, 12:10 AM
    Apple is *not* sending cease and desist letters to everyone who ever made a podcast and called it a "podcast." This is an action against a company called Podcast Ready which distributes software called myPodder, which clearly capitalizes on the name of Apple's iPod. This seems to be more a case of Apple trying to reign in companies whose products are treading too closely to the iPod name, rather than Apple's attempt to forbid anyone to use the term "Podcast."

    Apple understands the marketing value of a popular term like Podcast, but there's a delicate balance between encouraging people to use it, and giving away your rights to it. I personally don't think Apple was out of line in this case. Of course, I reserve the right to change my opinion when I get *my* cease and desist letter. :p

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  • wilburpan
    Sep 22, 07:23 AM
    Originally posted by theranch
    It's a joke. I wouldn't depend on this site at all.
    I fully agree that this site is less than ideal in it's rating system. My points are:

    1. Here is, as far as I can tell, a not particularly Mac friendly site that compares the performance of Macs vs. PC's.

    2. Based on these ratings, an iMac is actually the best buy for middle of the pack machines.

    3. Again, based on these ratings, the top of the line Mac and P4 machines are closely matched in performance.

    4. These conclusions are probably more significant in that they are based on data from a site that is not pro-Mac.

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  • lostngone
    May 2, 01:34 PM
    So awesome, it warps reality.

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  • fyrefly
    Apr 20, 11:42 AM
    I'll second that, no intel 3000 will be entering my house
    And I doubt that there will be a backlit keyboard again. As I said in the last thread apple took it out for a reason not for fun

    And that reason was? Thinness? Cost? Do you have any evidence to back this up?

    I think it was simple economics - take out the BL keyboard to get the cost under $999 and keep the margins at 30%.

    However, as tech gets more mature, and the R&D Cost is recouped for the new design, I think they can re-add the BL Keyboard w/o sacrificing the $999 Price-point or the 30% margins.

    As you said, it wasn't just "for fun", but "for profit" and if they can maintain that profit, and return a marquee feature like the BL Keyboard, why not?

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  • thatisme
    Mar 29, 08:03 AM
    Go and try it and come back...

    Edit to add:

    Here is a great little one page explanation of EF vs EF-s (http://jefflynchdev.wordpress.com/2009/01/10/understanding-canons-ef-s-lenses/). I quote from it:

    Which, once again, agrees with me.

    Go back and re-read ALL the posts. You will see that I never claim that a 50mm EF lens and 50MM EF-S lens have different focal lengths. They do have different EFFECTIVE focal lengths, dependent on the camera sensor size being used, as your quote agrees.

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  • xUKHCx
    Jan 9, 08:33 AM
    As per the FAQ (http://guides.macrumors.com/Help:MacRumors_FAQ#What_do_I_do_about_annoying_ads.3F)

    If you could post a screenshot and the URL the advert goes to then we can see about getting it removed.

    MacRumors uses an advertising service that supplies ads from a pool. We do not select the specific ads shown or the specific advertisers who participate.

    If you find a particular ad especially annoying (e.g., an ad that is oversized, obscures the page, moves around, or has sound), let us know by posting a screenshot in our Site and Forum Feedback forum and telling us the URL it links to. Using this information we can ask to have it removed from the ad pool.

    If you find all ads annoying, remember that ads support the site and allow us to provide free news, rumors, and discussion, and that ads are suppressed for paid members. See How do I contribute to MacRumors.com? above.

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  • mrsir2009
    Apr 24, 04:07 AM
    I know there's no real estate for it, but I wouldn't complain it if had a dedicated Ethernet port.

    Get a 13" MBP.

    Mar 11, 03:05 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Northpark isn't doing any cards

    Nov 17, 04:32 PM
    Stolen goods or not, nevermind that - but $300 per kit? :eek:

    Why not just buy a white case?

    sorry, but I will never put a case on my iPhone. It was made to look sexy as it is, naked.

    Cases just ruin it.

    Apr 5, 04:52 PM
    Yay! More cash from adapters for apple!

    Apr 5, 10:31 AM
    I always question the sanity of people who claim to question other peoples sanity of ridiculous things. :cool:

    Have you ever gone to move your finger across the trackpad and find that it registered it as a tap instead? Drives me nuts.

    Apr 12, 02:47 PM
    WTF? Why does the MS Office updater force me to quit chrome ????

    This update also makes you quit Safari too. I would like to know what the reasoning is there. hmmm

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